Reach out

It is often said there are three things that regularly impact on farmers, which they cannot control: the Government, commodity prices and the weather.

Unfortunately, in recent times it is severe weather that has affected farmers and growers in the top-of-the-south, and to a lesser extent in the Far North District, with floods decimating these regions. 

More than a metre of rain fell over four days in parts of the Nelson region, while parts of Rai Valley in Marlborough recorded similar falls. In Tākaka, half a metre of rain fell in four days, while some areas in Northland recorded the same.

This has left farmers and growers in these parts of the country with wrecked paddocks and crops, infrastructure and fencing damaged, and road closures are impeding milk collections and stock movements.

This couldn’t have happened at a worse time of year of the farming calendar, with lambing and calving under way. The clean-up will be challenging, difficult and hard work.

The resulting devastation has left many farmers dumping milk and others have lost hay and baleage supplies. According to Marlborough Federated Farmers dairy sector spokesman Evan White, around 70% of the dairy farms in the region have been affected by the recent flood. Some farmers are investigating ways of sending their milking herds out of the area so they can still be milked.

It is in times of adversity that farmers and the rural communities show their best. This is one of those times and many farmers in other parts of the country will be asking what they can do to help their flood affected colleagues.

According to the local Rural Support Trust, most affected farmers’ needs are centred mainly around machinery required to get their farms back up and running, feed to replace supplies washed away in floodwaters and manpower to repair damage.

Federated Farmers’ Feed Coordination Service allows anyone with feed or grazing available to list it, which can match it with a willing buyer in need. The Rural Support Trust is also a good place to go if you wish to help out. If you can help affected farmers in any way – even if it is just a message of support – please do.

Meanwhile, for those farmers impacted by flooding, please reach out if you need help.

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